The Honor Ascribed to Yeshua's Adopted Father

The Honor Ascribed to Joseph, Yeshua's Adopted Father.
More often than not, especially as our families and friends outside of the Torah are focused on this time of year, most of the attention is put on Yeshua's mother and Joseph does not receive much attention or study.
But what if we began to look at Joseph from the perspective the Honor that Adonai ascribed to this man. 
Miriam is chosen to miraculously conceive and give birth to the Son of God, the Messiah of all the world...what a humbling but yet honorable appointment right? Yes it is in the simplest of terms.
However this same honor was indeed ascribed to Joseph by the Father as well. He must have found considerable honor in YHWH's eyes to be chosen for such a role as the adopted Father of our Messiah and a Husband who would treat his wife with that honor and love she deserved.
So not only as a father, but also as a husband, I pray that I could also live a life that is honorable to my family and my creator. This is a goal I am striving for that I may find favor in His eyes to step foot in His Kingdom someday as a servant.
Joseph's life should be one that all men, husbands and fathers model after. Even though I fail, I will get back up every day and try again, now even harder.